
Our Starling Solutions
Based upon our inspection and your answers to the questions below, we will determine exactly what bird control method will rid you of your starling problem and implement it quickly and efficiently. We use many different methods of bird control so that we can ensure you are getting exactly the type of control you need. Select the options below if you are interested in learning more about the control methods we use.
We think about what you need when developing a custom plan for your starling problem. We take several factors into consideration, inlcuding:
​How long has the starling problem been going on?
How many starlings, and how big is the problem area?
Do they have a food or water source nearby?
Are there any mechanical or structural problems allowing a food or water source to develop?
What type of damage are the birds causing?
Are the starlings nesting, loafing, or roosting?
Is heavy nesting causing fire hazards?
Do surrounding buildings also have a bird problem?
Are there bird droppings along walkways or parking areas?
Are there any liability issues due to the starling infestation?
Starling Control Professionals
The best way to make sure you don’t have any of these problems is to hire a professional bird exclusion expert who deals with this every day. Bird management professionals can help you manage and eliminate all your bird related problems. Bird control experts have experience in the field of controlling infestations of these birds in your agricultural areas, public places, and buildings along with around your house.
These intrusive starlings can cause lots of problems when nesting around your house. They will hide in a nook near your home. These large flocking birds can create lots of noise and also cause lots of diseases. The birds contaminate your dwelling by dumping loads of fecal matter where you can end up inhaling it. Let us seek out these nesting creatures around your house and get rid of them for good.
Don’t waste too much time with these noisy and filthy creatures. Whatever your problem is with dealing with these pest birds contact us today and we help you solve all of your bird problems, bird exclusion, bird dropping removal, bird nesting problems and ensure complete satisfaction. Don’t take any chances contact us and we can help you today.
Other methods that can help reduce a starling invasion on your property:
Building Modification
Preventing the starlings from having a flat area to land on is often one of the most effective methods of starling control.
Fencing, spikes, wires, and netting
These can all help eliminate any potential nesting spots starlings find around your property.
Thermal Fogging
If there are trees in the area you want protected from starlings, thermal fogging is a good option to consider.
Food and Water Source Reduction
Food and water sources are the most common reasons for bird problems around a property, so elimination is an important step.
About Starlings
The Starling is a bird that can cause a lot of trouble to farmers and homeowners alike. The bird originates from Europe and is known in to be mentioned in the writings of one of the great authors of our time, Shakespeare. The starling looks like a blackbird and is often seen in big flocks or swarms with these animals.
The starling is known to cause more trouble to society than any other bird. The habits of a starling that are very well known is that they travel in large flocks with other birds. The primary bird that flies in large flocks with the starling is the black bird. This flock of birds can be into the thousands.
These birds can become a large burden to anyone owning a house, barn, orchard, or farm, and even in urban areas, they can cause numerous problems. When you have a big problem with them nesting in or around your property you need a bird control professional who can help you easily get rid of these pest irritating birds. With these being one of the most troublesome pest birds, you need someone that has experience dealing with these birds. A bird control professional can save you time and money and make sure that your bird problem is resolved correctly the first time.
Common Names:
Sturnus vulgaris
European Starling,
common Starling, Starling
Evolutionary Traits

A starling is a medium-sized bird that typically ranges from 9-12 inches in length and weighs between 2.5-6 ounces. Male and female starlings can be differentiated by their coloration. The male is mostly glossy black except for the iridescent feathers on its back, while the female has a browner plumage with yellow-flecked wings and tail.
There are about 110 species of starlings in the world. They were primarily an Old World bird until the European starling was introduced to North America in the second half of the 19th century. About a hundred starlings were released in Central Park in New York City to control insects; today, they number around 200 million in North America descended from that original flock.
The European starling has become invasive in North America. As a result, starling populations can hurt other bird species and cause an estimated $800 million in crop damage each year.
One interesting trait that you may have seen a flock of starlings exhibit is their murmurations. Watching it occur it appears to be a beautifully coordinated dance, but it's actually their defense mechanism against predators, who may have singled out one or two birds, but become intimidated by the large fluid form of the whole flock.
Starlings are omnivorous birds, and they eat a variety of things, including insects, fruits, and berries. They are particularly fond of grapes, and they will often congregate in vineyards to feed. In addition to smaller fruits like grapes and olives, starlings will also peck holes in larger fruit like apples or tomatoes. About half of a starling's diet consists of invertebrates like insects or snails. Juveniles tend to eat more plants than insects as they are still inexperienced at hunting. Insects they eat include worms, mosquitoes, bees, and caterpillars.
Starlings are highly aggressive and territorial birds, particularly during the mating season. They will even use their numbers as a form of attack against other birds. In addition, they have been observed chasing off larger predatory birds like hawks and owls. In areas where starlings were introduced for agricultural purposes, they have been known to eat the fruit of grapevines, which can damage the vineyard.
The European starling is a common sight in North America, becoming invasive. These birds are very aggressive and territorial, and they often compete with native bird species for food and nesting sites. As a result, starling populations can hurt other bird species.
Starlings are gifted mimics and can mimic the sounds of other birds and environmental noises. They can make about 15-20 distinct sounds. Starlings also travel in massive flocks to avoid predators. These flocks can contain tens of thousands of birds and can be very loud. In Danish, the phenomenon of "sort sol" or "black sun" occurs when vast flocks of starlings appear to block out the sun.
Life Cycle
Starlings are able to reproduce very quickly. It only took about a hundred starlings released in Central Park to grow to 200 million across the United States. It is not uncommon for a pair to lay 3 broods per year, although the average is 2. Starlings typically breed in the springtime, and the female will lay 3-6 eggs in a nest made of twigs. The male will help incubate the eggs and care for the chicks once they hatch. Young starlings can fledge from the nest within two weeks, but they will stay with their parents for another few months.
Nesting Behavior
Single males start building nests to attract females. Herbs and green material appear to be important in nests for starlings to attract mates. Males sing while constructing the nest and especially while a female is approaching. Starlings are gregarious and will build nests in the proximity of other birds.
The female starling typically lays 4-6 eggs, and both parents help to care for the young birds. The chicks can fly within a few weeks of hatching, and they are entirely independent after about a month.
Nest usurpation has been observed in starlings, where a starling will take over the nest of another bird species. This is usually done to attract a mate, but it can also happen when the bird feels threatened.
Egg Description

Brood Size:
2 - 3 centimeters
blueish white
approx 12 days
3 - 6 eggs
approx. 2 times per year
Nesting Material
Starlings build their nests out of various materials, including twigs, grass, and leaves. They often build their nests in sheltered areas, such as under eaves or in trees. Nests can be in any hole, including hollowed-out stumps and crevices. They can often be found in old woodpecker holes, or crevices in buildings. Male starlings choose the nesting site and from there attempt to attract a mate. They are usually made out of straw, grass, and sticks on the outside and feathers and soft leaves inside, and they are reused throughout the year. Nest construction usually takes 4 or 5 days. Starlings are one of the pest bird species that actually clean their nests out, making them less likely of a host to other parasites like bird mites, ticks, or fleas.

Maturity & Lifespan
The length of a starling's lifespan is from 2-12 years, depending on the species. The European Starling, which is most prevalent in North America, live between 2-3 years on average. Starlings reach maturity at around 1 year and therefore begin to reproduce the spring after they were hatched. Starlings tend to lay eggs around the same time neighbor starlings do, at some point between mid-March and mid-June. Incubation lasts about 12 days until the eggs hatch.
Starling birds develop in the nest, growing feathers and achieving thermoregulation. The fledgling period lasts about 21 days, after which the baby starlings leave the nest.
One starling in Germany lived to be 21 years old, but this is uncommon. A significant number of starlings (30-75%) die within their first year from predators.
European Starling Distribution
There are about 110 species of starlings in the world. They were primarily an Old World bird until the European starling was introduced to North America in the second half of the 19th century. About a hundred starlings were released in Central Park in New York City to control insects; today, they number around 200 million in North America descended from that original flock.
The European starling has become invasive in North America. As a result, starling populations can hurt other bird species and cause an estimated $800 million in crop damage each year. This invasive species has made a home of the continent from the southern part of Alaska to Mexico, and are able to thrive year-round in the majority of the United States.
Why Are European Starlings a Problem?
Bird Damage
The damage these birds can cause is notorious. Starlings are especially damaging to farmers every year. Farmers can lose whole fields of crops costing thousands of dollars. The starlings travel in such large flocks and can attack and eat all kinds of fruits that the farmer has planted. The farmer can lose his entire crop to these thieves. The overall damage to farms can be in the millions. The starling is known to roost in big flocks near an agricultural field of berries or other large fruits. The troublesome birds then feast on the fields of fruit leaving you with big financial losses. Get a professional today to help you chase all these birds away.
The starlings also are known to nest in small openings or nooks of barns, rooftops, and vents leading into the house. Rural and home dwellers aren't the only victims of these birds. They are known to flock to urban areas with clumps of trees in the warmer periods of the year. They also inhabit urban buildings and structures causing all kinds of problems. Starlings flock to nooks and crannies of structures to make nests for the colder months. Large flocks of starlings can also be trouble to your urban structure creating loud noises, defecation leading to the transfer of disease and other health-related diseases. Bird problems can mount fast so you need a wildlife professional to help you rid of these potential disease-causing birds. They are a kind of mischievous and inconsiderate organisms, once they enter a building have been permitted to remain undisturbed for any length of time. Prevent serious contamination and damage to your property with a removal professional.
Dangerous Health Conditions
This species is particularly dangerous to causing diseases passed on through the large number of bird droppings. Since the starling is known to be in large flocks this magnifies the danger.
Viruses can be transferred to livestock on a farm and from one animal to the next. The diseases are transferred from the large number of feces from the starlings. This can be a major problem for the agricultural community. All the workers and animals can become infected with this virus. The agricultural community needs to be prepared to keep this from happening. Contact a bird control professional in this area of expertise.
Another type of illness associated with these birds is a fungus that can develop from underneath the nesting animals in public settings. The spores in the soil underneath the nest can develop this fungus that leads to this disease passing airborne and infecting people. The disease can even become fatal in some people.
With these disease-ridden birds making its little home around your house and in public places the chances are increased in contacting a disease of some kind. If you have any of these problems make sure to get rid of the nuisance birds today by contacting the experts in removing them from your property. Other diseases that starlings cause are e-coli and salmonella through contamination of live animals. The bird’s frequent areas where the animals live and end up contaminating their food. This is another reason the starlings need to be removed from living in areas around agricultural animals.