Types Of Bird Control
We Can Take on Any Problem
Discuss what your bird problem is, how long you have had the problem, and any other information we may ask to provide you with the best solution for your specific issue.
Our certified bird control specialists will evaluate all information gathered, including inspection if needed, and determine based on all factors what the best course of action is.
Once a satisfactory solution has been devised, our qualified technicians will arrive at a scheduled date and time to install solution quickly and efficiently
Other Deterrents
These include a range of products, from ones that don't require much setup and are mildly effective, such as taste or visual deterrents, and deterrents that are more involved, such as sound units or laser deterrents. These are the least effective because they are more dependent on fearful behavior that not all birds exhibit.
Standard Deterrents
Deterrent-based bird control involves installing a product that makes it difficult for birds to land or roost in the desired area. Some of these control methods include tension wire, bird spikes, shock tracks, and others. This type of control is moderately effective but varies based on which bird species is being targeted.

Exclusion Based Bird Control
Bird Netting
Bird netting is an exclusion method of bird control. Bird netting is intended to be installed on buildings, loading docks, warehouses, airport hangers, transportation facilities, barns, food silos, over building exteriors, balconies, parking garages, rooftops, HVAC units, bridges, agricultural crop applications, ponds, and any other surface that netting hardware can be installed.
Bird exclusion netting will prevent birds from gaining entry within any areas that are netted off. Netting is capable of excluding all pest bird species from roosting or nesting in the area, even if prior nesting behavior has been observed.
Life Expectancy
20+ Years
High - Moderate
Effective Rating
What Bird Netting Works Best?
There are various types of netting and mesh sizes. When selecting the type of netting and mesh size, it is critical to both the target pest bird and where the netting is being installed. If either of these two factors is not considered, the netting may not exclude the pest birds as intended.
For our netting projects, we utilize heavy duty high density polyethylene twine netting that is resistant to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The netting doesn’t absorb moisture so it will maintain its original weight. All of the netting hardware that is installed is stainless steel. Our bird exclusion netting systems are designed to enclose as many ledges, pipes and landing surfaces as possible. In any areas where access is needed above the netting, marine grade zippers are installed to allow access points above netting. Depending upon the site conditions, the target pest bird and budget, there are various netting options when developing a bird netting design.
Aviaway installs bird netting for new construction Division 10 Specialties 10290 bird control and (CSI Format) 10 81 13 specification bird control.
Where Can Bird Netting Be Installed?
Building Exteriors
Loading Docks
Airport Hangers​
Food Silos
Parking Garages
All other areas you can use netting to exclude birds.
Transportation Facilities
HVAC Units
Agricultural Crops
Fish Hatcheries
What Species Does Netting Protect Against?

Pond Netting
Bird Exclusion pond netting is installed to permanently exclude pest birds and other wildlife from Fish Hatchery Ponds, Retention Ponds, Detention Ponds, Airport Runoff Basins, Evaporation Ponds, Tailing Ponds, Frac Pits, Leach Basins, Mining Basins, and other types of water collection ponds, basins or pits.
Bird netting creates a physical bird barrier that will safely and humanely exclude birds and pest wildlife from landing and roosting on the water. AviAway will design and install your pond or basin netting system tailored to exclude the pest birds and animals that you are experiencing.
Life Expectancy
20+ Years
High - Moderate
Effective Rating
Our pond netting systems are engineered and designed to provide complete bird exclusion to ensure that birds don’t impact and interrupt your business operations because of contaminated water. Bird netting your pond or basin is a long-term permanent bird solution.
Our pond netting services include complete design and fabrication of mounting bases and all heavy-duty hardware to ensure that your pond netting system will provide complete year-long protection from birds and other forms of wildlife.
Bird netting will permanently block and exclude pest birds from landing in ponds, basins, and related bodies of water. Our bird netting ranges from ¾” mesh for small birds up to 4” for larger pest birds. Installing pond netting to exclude and prevent pest birds and wildlife from bodies of water is a long-term permanent bird solution.
Where Can Pond Netting Be Installed?
Fish Hatcheries
Retention Ponds
Detention Ponds
Airport Runoff Basins
Evaporation Ponds
Tailing Ponds
Frac Pits​
Leach Basins
Mining Basins
All Water Collection Areas
What Species Does Pond Netting Protect Against?
All Others

Solar Guard
Solar Guard is an exclusion-based product that will prevent any animals from gaining access to the space underneath your solar panels. This method is completely effective, even for areas where prior nesting behavior has been observed.
In most nesting situations it is very difficult to deter birds from returning to that location even if the nest has been removed, and often the only way to prevent them from returning is from eliminating all access points to the area. While we utilize this material primarily for solar panels, it is also ideal for preventing nesting behind shutters, under decks, around window AC units, and any other area where there is a small gap or gaps that birds identify as safe for nesting.
This material is wire netting that is installed with minimally invasive methods, is UV resistant, and will remain secure and efficient for years to come.
Life Expectancy
20+ Years
Effective Rating
When To Use Solar Guard?
When birds are nesting underneath your solar panels, or in another small crevice where it is difficult for predators to access them, using Solar Guard is the best solution to ensure that these creatures don't return. In most cases when businesses and homeowners realize there is a bird problem in areas like this, it is often after the birds begin nesting, and even if a nest is partially built, the birds become extremely determined to remain in that location. This is because they often have spent an extended period of time in the area and have not been disturbed for that duration, so they don't want to have to find another spot safe for nesting if they already have one.
If you think this describes your problem, give AviAway a call or schedule a discussion with our bird control specialists and we can determine what the best method is to rid you of your bird problem quickly and efficiently.
Where Can Solar Guard Be Installed?
Under Solar Panels
Solar Farms
Window AC Units
Behind Shutters
Under Decks
Building Crevices
All small areas birds can find and nest in.
What Species Does Solar Guard Protect Against?
All Others

AviAngle Ledge Exclusion
For ledges (90-degree), typically found in parking garages, billboards, I-beams, bridges, overpasses, and similar structures, the best way to exclude pest birds and wildlife if AviAngle. AviAngle combines an ultraviolet PCV with a smooth surface on a 45-degree angle to excludes all wildlife and pest birds from ledges. This product EXCLUDES all pest birds, rather than deterring them from landing. AviAngle provides 100% bird exclusion.
Life Expectancy
20+ Years
Effective Rating
When To Use Ledge Modification?
Using a secure adhesive, this product can be applied in a range of locations and can exclude birds from ledges or other areas longer than any deterrent will remain effective.
AviAngle is modifiable depending on the size of the area that requires exclusion and can be specially ordered in a range of colors if minimal visibility is needed. Birds roosting or nesting in high traffic areas is often detrimental to businesses, as it can be very visually unappealing and unsanitary if left alone for too long.
If you think AviAngle is the right solution for you, reach out to us and we can discuss your bird problem and schedule an installation date.
Where To Use Ledge Modification?
Support Beams
Parking Garage Beams
All ledge based areas
What Species Does Ledge Exclusion Protect Against?
All Others

Standard Bird Control Deterrents
Bird Spikes Landing Deterrent
Depending upon how severe your bird problem is, what type of bird you are trying to deter, type of surface the bird spikes are going to be installed on and branding concerns, bird spikes may be the appropriate deterrent control for your bird problem.
Bird spikes work by deterring birds from having an easy landing point on flat ledge surfaces. As a bird lands, it wings go from open to closed and as its feet hit the ledge the bird spike rods that slightly overhang the ledge surface interfere with the bird’s ability to close its wings and deters the birds from the treated areas.
Life Expectancy
10 - 15 Years
Effective Rating
What Bird Spikes Work Best?
Bird spikes come in various sizes and type of material. Typically, bird spikes come in narrow, wide and extra wide depending upon the surface area treating. In some cases, you may need to install multiple rows of bird spikes to deter the birds. Bird spike can be entirely stainless steel, entirely plastic or a combination of a plastic base and stainless rods. There are various pro and cons of the construction type depending upon the application specifics.
Bird spikes can be used on ledges, window sills, window air condition units, fences, railings, beams, roof lines, vent stacks, signs, pilings, lighting fixtures, under eaves or awnings, and other similar areas.
Bird spikes can be used to deter pigeons, sea gulls and crows. Note that if the bird is very large like a sea gull or turkey vulture, the birds’ weight can bend the spikes and prevent them from working.
Where To Use Bird Spikes?
Window Sills
Window AC Units
Roof Lines
Vent Stacks
Lighting Fixtures
Under Eaves
Under Awnings
Business Signs
What Species Do Spikes Protect Against?
Large Birds

Tension Wire Landing Deterrent
Tension Wire is a type of bird deterrent system. It is designed to deter larger birds like pigeons, crows, and seagulls from landing and gaining a foothold on the surface. The wire and post system creates barrier deterring the birds from trying to gain a foothold on the landing surface.
Tension Wire should not be used for smaller birds like starling or sparrows because these birds are too small and will typically still be able to land below the wire. In some cases, a tension wire modified and in combination with other control methods can be used for smaller birds. It is important to note that every application will vary depending upon the type of structure, bird population, budget, and visual ascetic concerns.
Life Expectancy
8 - 10 Years
Effective Rating
When To Use Tension Wire?
Tension Wire bird control deterrent is a good treatment method for historical buildings and areas to create low visual impact. A tension wire system leaves a low visual footprint and in most cases, if installed correctly, will be hard to see from the untrained eye.
Tension Wire can be mounted in a variety of ways depending upon the surface areas to be treated. Posts and bases can be mounted separately, posts come pre-mounted on various shaped brackets and there is even glue on bases if you don’t want to penetrate the surface. In most cases, the posts are made out of stainless steel. There is a wide variety of base type ranging from nylon anchors, stainless steel brackets/base and plastic glue on bases.
If you are looking for a low-profile bird deterrent to control larger birds and the bird pressure is not too heavy, Tension Wire may be a good option.
Where Can Tension Wire Be Installed?
Window Sills
Window AC Units
Roof Lines
Vent Stacks
Lighting Fixtures
Under Eaves
Under Awnings
Business Signs
What Species Does Netting Protect Against?
Large Birds

Electrified Shock Track Landing Deterrent
Depending upon the area and surface to be treated, electrified bird shock track systems are a good bird deterrent system. The shock system is low profile and can be mounted on various surfaces. For example, on parapet walls, ledges, facade signs (sign raceways), and other types of surfaces. Most systems come in various colors and power source options.
Once the system is in place and the birds have been shocked a few times, the birds become conditioned not to land on the treated areas and will be deterred. Every bird control application will vary depending upon the type of structure, bird population, budget, and visual aesthetic concerns.
Life Expectancy
8 - 10 Years
Effective Rating
When To Use Shock Tracks?
Electrified Shock Track System is a good bird control deterrent method for historical buildings and areas that want to create low visual impact. These are only recommended for larger species, as they have been proven to be most effective for pigeons and seagulls. With minimal power draw or none, if the solar-powered option is selected, little to no maintenance is required compared to other deterrent methods out there that require more power for their complex design.
If bird spikes are too visually unappealing for the area birds are congregating, shock tracks are the next best option for bird deterrents.
Where Can Shock Tracks Be Installed?
Window Sills
Parapet Wall
Facade Signs
Roof Lines
Window AC Units
​Low Traffic ledge-based areas
What Species Does Netting Protect Against?
Large Birds

Grid Wire Deterrent
AviAway's Grid Wire Deterrent acts as a landing deterrent. Birds are deterred from landing because they don't want to risk having their wings hit or get tangled in the wiring system. As a result, the birds will not land in areas where the deterrent is installed. Our grid wire system is safe, humane, and the most effective method for resolving specifically any seagull pest bird problems.
Our Grid Wire System is designed and engineered over 20 years of field testing and improvements to provide our customers with the best deterrent system to ensure complete protection of any size location. Our system will withstand the harshest of environments for years to come. We also provide a five-year warranty for all our poles and brackets.
Life Expectancy
8 - 10 Years
Effective Rating
When To Use Grid Wire?
While other deterrent methods may work better for different species of birds, after our two decades of experience dealing with seagull problems on rooftops, marinas, outdoor dining areas, solar panel arrays, and other wide-open areas that are their ideal roosting locations, we have found that time and time again the grid wire deterrent system is the most effective at immediately discouraging any seagull activity in the affected area.
Schedule a discussion with our dedicated bird control specialists if you deal with a more extensive bird invasion in any area. They are eager to provide insight into the ideal solution to your bird control problem. Grid Wire Deterrents could be the thing that permanently eliminates any bird activity or concern that you may have.
When To Use Grid Wire?
Outdoor Dining Areas
Solar Panel Arrays
Warehouse Roofs
Parking Garages
Agriculture Crops
Any flat open area
Lakes and Ponds
What Species Does Grid Wire Protect Against?
Large Birds

Other Bird Control
Deterrents & Services
Sonic & Ultrasonic Sound Units
This bird repellent is as versatile as they come, and you will enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your yard is always safe. There is no reason to wait for a pest bird infestation to take place when helpful products like these exist.
These machines are designed to do what the average home and business owner cannot. Even with our best efforts, we will not be able to appeal to a bird's auditory senses once they have begun to roost. That's why we must create a sense of danger so that they will be motivated to leave before causing any damage.
These sonic and ultrasonic sound units are easy to find and simple to install. Their machines are volume controlled, and the calls have been naturally recorded for a maximum level of effectiveness.
Life Expectancy
2 - 5 Years
Effective Rating
Are Sound Units Effective?
Conditioning the behavior of pest birds may seem like a pipe dream, but with these units, this dream can become a feasible reality. These units rely on scientific research to do their job, and there is no need to worry about cumbersome noise. Property managers and homeowners can use settings that keep passersby from hearing additional sounds. With units like these available, pest birds are now prevented from acclimating to new areas.
AviAway Professional Bird Control can provide you with a free evaluation of your home or building to help determine the best sound or ultrasonic sound unit to help remedy your specific bird problem.
Where To Use Sound Units?
Outdoor Dining Areas
Outside Schools
Outside Office Buildings
Airport Landing Strips
Industrial Rooftop
Sound Units Are Most Effective On:

Targeting Services
AviAway, LLC advises our clients to exhaust all other options for removing pest birds from a facility before utilizing the specialized targeting services. Furthermore, we recommend identifying ingress points and mitigating them before employing this method of bird control and advise our clients to try and remove the pest birds via live capture programs or mist nets before utilizing a targeting service.
Targeting is a last resort option and should only be used when nuisance bird activities have impacted public health.
When it comes to bird removal, safety is of the utmost importance. The birds can be a severe threat, and you need to ensure that they are removed from your commercial building in as safe, efficient, and effective a manner as possible. This means hiring professionals who have gone through training for this specific type of work.
Life Expectancy
Effective Rating
When To Use Targeting Services?
After all client options have been exhausted, and the pest birds remain within a facility, a site assessment will be conducted. Once the correct bird species have been identified and confirmed that the pest bird is either a house sparrow, common starling, or feral pigeon, a targeting plan will be developed.
Our targeting programs ensure that all the pest birds will be removed from a facility with precision and in the safest manner possible. This might be your option if you have birds in a high-risk area. Schedule a bird discussion call with our qualified specialist to determine if targeting services are needed.
Where Are Targeting Services Used?
Food Storage Facilities
Food Production Plants
Retail Stores
Grocery Stores
Wholesale Stores
Interior areas where pest bird presence creates a health hazard
What Species Is Targeting Accepted For?
Live Capture Program
On occasion, pest birds enter food processing/packaging plants, supermarkets, food establishments and/or pharmaceutical plants. When a pest bird enters any of these facilities, they create a hygiene problem, which is a public health concern. Thus, these pest birds must be removed immediately.
Prior to setting the traps, the birds should be fed for several weeks. After the birds are used to feeding, the cages should be set. By allowing the birds to eat and freely enter and exit the traps, once the traps are set, a higher percentage of birds will be caught.
Life Expectancy
Effective Rating
When To Use A Live Capture Program?
When birds find their way into areas they don't belong, trapping can be the most effective control method. However, it requires patient effort because this control measure often must be repeated on a routine basis over a period of time. The traps need food supplies that will keep birds interested in feeding, ensuring they are baited with the right food types selected for your specific location's ecosystem!
In cases where birds are in areas that contain food or materials that come in contact with food, leaving the birds inside becomes a serious hygiene issue. Bird nests and bird droppings contain a number of diseases and parasites and can be easily spread if the issue is not addressed quickly.
AviAway has plenty of experience performing live capture services for a variety of industries. If you have birds inside your business, warehouse, home, or other location, we can ensure their safe and humane removal, and relocate them a safe distance away so that they don't return.
Where Are Live Capture Services Used?
Food Storage Facilities
Food Production Plants
Retail Stores
Grocery Stores
Wholesale Stores
Any interior areas where birds invade
What Species Do Live Captures Work Best On?
Geese Control Options
Control methods for Canada Geese include herding dogs like border collies, turf treatments, visual deterrents, sound units, and in some cases can include a combination of methods is most effective. Canadian Geese can acquire and carry a variety of deadly diseases that can spread to humans or other animals.
Our various methods of Geese Management have pros and cons, along with varying prices for every budget. The effectiveness of each method will vary depending on the implementation time frame and the frequency of treatment. For example, geese have a specific time of year when they establish nesting areas, and if the problem is not addressed before this time treatment becomes less effective.
Life Expectancy
Effective Rating
When To Use Geese Management Services?
Depending on the location, a different solution or management method will be recommended. We offer solutions for all areas including water sources, rooftops, large open areas, airport strips, parks, residential properties, and more.
Let AviAway develop a bird management program to remedy your specific Canadian Geese problem. With over 30-years of designing and installing bird control systems, AviAway will ensure that the bird control program solves your specific bird problem.
Where Are Geese Control Options Used?
Water Sources
Airport Strips
Residential Properties
Large Open Areas
What Species Is This For?
Cleanup Services
By cleaning up bird droppings in a proper manner, a home or business can limit their risk factors for disease and infection and ensure a safe environment for all those who enter and exit each day. Bird droppings essentially function as a silent killer and those who pass them every day are not always aware of their inherent danger.
Clean up procedures are important because of their ability to limit the spread of bacteria, as well. If bird droppings are allowed to sit outside for long periods of time, they begin to mix with the elements and become even harder to detect. This is especially true in areas that receive a great deal of precipitation.
Life Expectancy
Effective Rating
When To Use Cleanup Services?
Cleanup services are often required before exclusion or deterrent control methods are installed. This is especially true for heavily infested areas or areas where birds have been roosting or nesting for long periods of time. Bird droppings are rich in nutrients, which allow bacteria and parasites to thrive and procreate at rapid rates. In cases where bird droppings are left for months at a time, the nutrients continue to accumulate, making for an even more fertile breeding ground.
When you are struggling with the dangers of bird droppings, have become concerned about the health risks involved, and are unfamiliar with the importance of proper clean-up procedures, be sure to enlist professional help to keep this common issue under control.
Homes and businesses are constantly under siege and unless the correct measures are taken, the bird-dropping problem will only continue to persist. While small accumulations can be washed away with a simple mix of soap and water, larger buildups require the assistance of professionals to ensure maximum safety.
Where Are Cleanup Services Used?
Water Sources
Airport Hangers
Parking Garages
Building Exteriors
Loading Docks
Transportation Facilities
We Offer Cleanup Services For:
All Others

Do It Yourself
While consulting with a bird control specialist on your birds problems is often necessary, there are some products that can eliminate more minor bird activity without the help of a professional. These products are simple to install, low maintenance, and can save you money in the long run, provided your bird problem isn't too large to be managed by these products.
It is still recommended that you know which bird species you are dealing with before implementing any control method, as what works really well at eliminating one pest species can also be completely ineffective or even attract other species. For example, bird spikes can deter many larger species from roosting on flat surfaces or ledges, but the spikes are a perfect location for nesting of smaller species like house sparrows. So if you have a problem with small birds, then spikes would actually worsen the problem.
Life Expectancy
Effective Rating
When To Use DIY Products?
If you are dealing with a small bird problem, like a few ducks in your pool, starlings around your deck, or some seagulls on your boat or dock, then it may be worth trying to solve yourself, especially if your budget for a solution is on the lower end, as some professional bird control installations can be costly.
Eliminate those droppings you are tired of cleaning up from the unwanted guests on your yard, roof, marina, or any other area, with simple solutions.
Where To Use DIY Products?
What Species Is This For?
Mist netting for live capture and removal
Visual deterrents
Fire Cup Bird Repellent
Falconry Services
Custom fabrication bird exclusion/deterrent products
Bird Control Solutions Comparison