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How to Get Rid of Seagulls

Seagulls are pest birds that fly around docks, parking lots, shopping centers, retail stores, and more. Seagull droppings contain uric acid, which can damage property with its acidity. Seagulls do not hesitate to scavenge food off the ground or from people. They can also spread disease with their droppings and their nesting.

So, how do you get rid of seagulls?

The first step in getting rid of seagulls is seagull prevention. If seagulls are around, they are generally seeking two things: food and nesting grounds.

To get rid of seagulls, you first need to get rid of sources of seagull food. Cover up trash cans so they cannot eat food out of them. Keep food clear off the ground. Food is a big reason seagulls hang around. If there are water sources around that the gulls are drinking from, you can remove those too if it is possible.

The next step is to close off nesting grounds. In urban areas, seagulls tend to make nests in areas like on top of roofs, near HVAC units, and near abandoned trash compactors. Don't give seagulls any room to create nests. Seagulls generally nest in the spring, so be sure to block off potential nesting grounds before that point.

Nesting grounds can be closed off using bird deterrence methods.

Bird netting is the first and oftentimes most effective bird deterrence method. Bird netting blocks off birds from entire areas. For seagulls, bird netting can be used to block off potential nesting areas as well as areas seagulls may perch.

Bird netting can be applied under HVAC units, around chimneys, and around trash compactors, as well as any other place seagulls may nest.

Seagull grid deterrent wire is another popular option for seagull control. Seagull grid deterrent wire is a series of raised poles spread out in a grid formation. Wires run across the raised poles, preventing seagulls from descending below. It works well at docks, marinas, restaurants, roofs, and other places you want to keep seagulls from descending onto.

rooftop seagull grid deterrent wire

Bird spikes are a common bird control technique that deter seagulls. Bird spikes work best when birds are perching or nesting on ledges, terraces, or other surfaces. These spikes do not hurt the birds, but merely block them from landing on the ledges so they need to find somewhere else to fly.

Electric shock tracks send out small shocks that make the birds uncomfortable. This is harmless to the birds, but gives them the impetus to fly somewhere else. Electric shock tracks can be applied directly to ledges and surfaces.

Direct ledge modification like AviAngle turns a horizontal surface that birds can perch on into a diagonal surface they cannot land on. Birds cannot catch a grip on these surfaces, and thus have to find somewhere else to nest or congregate.

Bird wire is an extended row of wire raised about six inches that covers up ledges seagulls would otherwise perch on. This is often applied to the top of roofs and other horizontal surfaces. Bird wire is similar to bird spikes, but is sometimes more aesthetically pleasing to people than spikes.

Regardless of what you choose to do for your seagull control program, you need to remember that seagulls are protected under the Migratory Bird Act of 1918. This means you cannot move an active seagull nest with eggs in it or in any way harm seagulls yourself.

Summary: The best way to get rid of seagulls is to implement seagull prevention methods like removing food sources and blocking off nesting grounds, as well as installing seagull deterrence methods like bird netting or bird spikes.

If you have a bird problem, we can help. AviAway professionally installs bird control solutions for all bird species. We have 30+ years of experience in bird control and have performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.


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