Bird Removal From Vents: Steps to Take
A bird's favorite place to nest is in an enclosed, covered spot that keeps them safe from predators and the elements. For this reason, vents are an ideal place to nest. Many small bird species will nest in vents, including pigeons, house sparrows, starlings, woodpeckers, and chimney swifts.
If birds are nesting in your vent, there are usually signs. The ventilation system may not be working as well as it usually does, a result of birds' nests blocking airflow in the vent. There are also usually bird droppings near the entrance to the vent as well as debris used in making the birds' nest, like twigs and leaves. You may also be able to hear bird sounds coming from inside the vents.
If this is occurring in your building, don't panic, but do take steps to fix the problem as soon as you can. Birds nesting in a ventilation system pose a fire hazard and can also spread disease and parasites from the ventilation system into the building.

We do not recommend ever moving birds' nests inside a ventilation system yourself, or in any way trying to interfere with birds inside your vents. The reasons for this are multiple. Birds nests are host to disease, parasites, and birds that likely will fight back with you over their nesting grounds. Most bird species are also protected under the Migratory Bird Act of 1918, meaning it is illegal to move their nests or in any way interfere with the birds' livelihood.
Some bird control solutions you can implement yourself. Bird removal from a vent is not one of these.
If you have birds in your vents, your best option is to call in a bird control company like AviAway who will perform bird removal from vents services. A bird control company can get a permit from the government to relocate the birds in your vent. They will also have the equipment to deal with the birds, the diseases, and the parasites that birds' nests host.
After the bird control company moves the birds, they can also install bird exclusion methods to keep birds from returning to the vents. One common solution for keeping birds out of vent systems is bird wire mesh. Bird wire mesh is placed over vent system entranceways and allows airflow out while still blocking birds and other pest species from returning into the building.

Summary: Birds love nesting in enclosed, covered places like vents. This is a problem, however, as birds' nests in vents pose a fire hazard risk and can spread parasites and disease into the building. Your best option for removing nesting birds from a vent is to call in a bird control company. They can remove the birds legally, safely, and can install a solution like bird wire mesh to the entrance of the ventilation system afterwards to keep birds from coming back in.
If you are experiencing a bird problem, AviAway can help. AviAway has 30+ years of experience servicing bird control problems and has performed work for companies like Amazon, Rite Aid, and the U.S. Postal Service. We offer services including bird removal from vents throughout the United States and Canada. We service all types of bird species, from pigeons and sparrows to geese and turkey vultures. Click here or call 844-247-3373 to request a free bird control quote.
We also offer free bird control consultations. Click here to set up a free consultation and speak with one of our bird control experts about how we can help solve your bird problem.