Why Choose AviAway?
AviAway is a bird control company that specializes in producing custom solutions to bird control problems. We will talk with you, discuss your particular bird problem, and devise a solution that will exclude birds as completely as possible and work for your property's architecture. We offer services throughout the United States and Canada for all bird problems, from sparrows and geese to turkey vultures and seagulls. AviAway offers free bird control consultations, where we can guide you on how to best approach and solve your particular bird problem.
Common Bird Problems in Clifton
Nuisance Birds (Pigeons, Starlings, Sparrows)
Nuisance birds are one of the big bird problems in Clifton. Bird species like pigeons, starlings, and sparrows tend to find a food source and make their home nearby. Once the birds nest, then the problems really begin. The birds make more noise, their droppings increase, and they are more difficult to make leave once the nesting has begun. Birds like to nest in covered, enclosed places such as under solar panels, on the ledges of parking garages, or in the rafters of canopies. These locations keep them and their nests safe from predators and the elements. Top methods for getting rid of nuisance birds include removing their food sources and blocking off their nesting grounds with bird netting.
Canada Geese in Parks
Canada Geese in parks are the other big bird problem in Clifton. Geese like to find a body of water to make their home and nest. Once they do, the flock gets bigger and the geese are harder to make leave. These birds can also be quite unfriendly, honking and even potentially biting at people. They also produce unsightly amounts of droppings: Canada Geese can eat up to four pounds of grass a day and produce two pounds of droppings per day. Over time and per goose, that adds up! Our top recommended methods for getting rid of Canada Geese in Clifton are netting off bird nesting grounds and applying methyl anthranilate to the plants and grass the birds feed from.
Tried and true solutions to all your bird control needs
Top solutions for nuisance birds like pigeons, starlings, and sparrows are removing bird food sources and blocking off their nesting grounds with bird netting. Food sources for nuisance birds include open trash cans, food strewn on the ground, and food left out intentionally for the birds. Trash cans should be covered and food properly disposed of to reduce birds feeding from human food. The next step after removing food sources is to block off the birds' nesting grounds. Birds like to nest in covered, enclosed locations. These type of locations can usually be blocked off with bird netting. Installed properly, bird netting excludes birds with 100% effectiveness.
The best solutions for removing Canada Geese from a park are similar to the solutions for removing nuisance birds. Here, we would block off the birds' food supply with methyl anthranilate, the grape flavoring agent found in candies and sodas, and close off their nesting grounds with bird netting. Birds do not like the scent or taste of methyl anthranilate and will need to find another food source if the plants near their nesting grounds are coated with it. Bird netting can be used to block off Canada Geese's nesting grounds. Pond netting can also be applied to shallower portions of a lake or pond to prevent the birds from accessing it.
Our bird control specialists are here for you.
Give us a call and AviAway can help solve your bird control problem. We offer free consultations and can help you find the best way to approach your bird problem. Then, if you choose to move forward with us, we can work with you to design and implement a custom solution based on your architecture that will exclude birds for good.