Mississippi is a state in the southeastern United States. Located on the Mississippi River, it shares borders with Tennessee and Alabama to its north and west respectively as well as Louisiana along its southern border. The coastline has many beaches and beautiful scenery, and acts as a location where there are both saltwater marshes and freshwater swamps
Mississippi Bird Control Experts

These birds wont come to feeders, but they will come to a yard that has a large open lawn and offerrings like fruit trees or bushes, or if you leave out berries or oranges.
The Mississippi State Bird is the Northern Mockingbird, a.k.a. Mimus Polyglottos
The Delta Blues Museum celebrates an iconic part of American culture that has been recognized for preserving this musical tradition since before WWII. This museum highlights musicians like Leadbelly who inspired such luminaries as Bob Dylan or Eric Clapton and continues today through artists like Gary Clark Jr., Taj Mahal, Rene Marie, and Tedeschi Trucks Band just to name a few!
that have been designated by law as wildlife habitats from those who would want these natural wonders destroyed for other purposes such as agriculture or housing developments.
Mississippi is home to over 400 bird species in the state, many of which reside near the Mississippi river and its vast resources. While in the wild they are harmless, when the nuisance birds begin invading on urban and suburban areas, that’s where we step in. Pest birds in Mississippi cause millions of dollars in profit loss when they fly off with catfish from fisheries very common to the state. The birds are such a problem that since the early 2000s to now over 50% of farmers convert their fisheries to corn or soy fields, because they haven’t been able to deter the pest birds.
Common Mississippi Pest Birds
Why Bird Control Is Necessary
Birds embody the quintessential image of a cute, harmless creature. However, their droppings can have deadly consequences if not taken care off properly and they also build nests in unsafe areas that causes fires or water damage from materials blocking air or flow to brittle concrete walls which wear down over time due to high acidity levels without proper attention given by a property owner. The issue even worsens
when owners do nothing about these harmful conditions as it spreads rapidly through communities with one building's decision affecting surrounding buildings' safety too!
Birds are everywhere. They come in all shapes, sizes, colors, patterns, and species, and the ones considered nuisance birds can be the worst kinds of pests you ever deal with. Some of the more common bird varieties that we see include pigeons (you know those dirty birds), seagulls, sparrows, crows, and more. If you want to keep your property pest-free and drain free, it is crucial that you minimize the availability of food sources for birds by not leaving pet dishes outside. Bird deterrents can be an effective way to drive them away from roosting on structures and prevent fecal matter buildup.
If you want some prevention tips that you can start utilizing today, we have outlined the simplest and most effective tips to keeping your home or business bird free.
AviAway Bird Removal Services Near You
Common Effects of Pest Bird Infestations
Bird droppings can cause the breakout of several diseases and the multiplication of parasites like mealworms, chicken mites, and even bed bugs.
Large populations of birds can be noisy, especially at night when they are right on your roof.
Nests can clog your drains and that will lead to a big problem with water drainage.
Food contamination is highly likely if they are around food processing outfits or eateries.
Pest bird presence can lead to penalties from public health officers.
Bird droppings on sidewalks can result in slips when they are mistakenly stepped upon.
Bird droppings can stain, corrode, and cause other damages to the building materials.
Avoid Developing Bird Infestations Around Your Home or Building
Clean your gutters and eliminate other forms of standing water in your areas. Availability of water to drink can attract them.
Avoid all kinds of projections like ledges around your wall. Birds can easily roost on them.
Trim all trees and prune them very regularly. The more leaves they have the more they can provide shelter for birds.
Cover all trash cans, as they can attract not only pest birds like pigeons but other unwanted wildlife as well.
Clean all outdoor surroundings consistently. If your pet mistakenly upsets your trash can, quickly clean it up as some of the food remnants can attract birds, and once they know where the food is, they stay there.
Avoid feeding pest birds at all costs, as it is a form of encouragement for them to stay even longer. This includes bird feeders that arent weight controlled.
Seal all openings through which small birds can enter your building.
Ensure all vent, loft, and eave openings are permanently blocked.
Install door strips on any exterior doors, to prevent the entrance of all birds.
Why Choose AviAway?
AviAway Bird Control is a bird control company that offers products to protect homes and businesses from unwanted pest birds. We have many ways of doing this, including netting systems, repellents, spikes- the list goes on! All these methods have been tested by our experts for their effectiveness so you know what to look out for when protecting your home or business. Some solutions even last over 20 years!
AviAway Bird Control is the best way to get your life back from pesky pests without sacrificing quality. We pride ourselves in quickness and competency, often able to complete jobs before our set date of completion! Don't wait for other bird control companies - come out months after you problem begins- contact us today! Get back to living your life free of pest birds with AviAway Bird Control.
Pest birds can be a real pain! They might ruin your garden, they’ll squawk at you when you try to enjoy dinner outside on the deck and shed their droppings all over everything. We know how frustrating pest bird problems are. That is why we have an expert team here that knows what it takes to get rid of these pests for good without any hassle or fuss- just call us today and let our professionals take care of this problem so you don't have to worry about them ever again.
Steel and Polycarbonate (plastic) Bird Spikes
Heavy Duty Bird Exclusion Netting 3/4" mesh and 2" mesh
Bird Tension Wire Systems
Electrified Track Systems (Avishock)
Ledge Exclusion (Aviangle)
Structural Alteration
Sonic and Ultrasonic Sound Units
Bird Removal (Targeting Programs)
Live Capture and Removal
Bird Control Solutions for Every Situation
Bird Removal Service You Can Trust
Aviaway is Mississippi's best bird control expert. We offer fast and effective solutions for all types of avian problems including droppings in your yard, destruction of crops, infestations that affect entire neighborhoods or commercial spaces. Our services are available year-round so we're always ready when you need us!
If you're tired of pest birds, then we have the solution for you. AviAway has been around for over 30 years and we know what works in regards to bird removal services. Whether your home or business is just being invaded by a few pesky birds or if it's completely infested with them, our team can help! We use humane methods that ensure no harm comes to any of these beautiful creatures while still keeping your space clean and free from pests forevermore - contact us today at (410)555-1234 for more information on how we work!