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American Crow

Crow Solutions

Our Crow Solutions


Based upon our inspection and your answers to the questions below, we will determine exactly what bird control method will rid you of your crow problem and implement it quickly and efficiently. We use many different methods of bird control so that we can ensure you are getting exactly the type of control you need. Select the options below if you are interested in learning more about the control methods we use.

Crow Control Professionals


Crows natural enemies are the Owl and the Hawk. Some people try to put out decoys to scare off the crow, with limited success. Noise makers are also used with some success. However, as stated before; crows are smarter than even pigeons and geese. They soon figure out the methods being used. For that reason, it is more cost effective and safer to use a professional to take care of crows and the problems they create. Crow control is not easy and requires know-how and experience. Not controlling a crow problem is very costly in damage, expense to buildings, livestock and airports and in the health and well being of other birds, animals and people.


The methods needed to take care of the crow overpopulation of an area must be designed for that particular area and the particular situation surrounding the infestation. There is no “one size fits all” approach. There is no simple answer. The crow is a formidable challenger, with certain legal rights.

The solution is achievable given the right knowledge and the right tools for the task. We have that knowledge and we have those tools and we would be happy to discuss your options with you regarding crow control. The risk to health, property and financial stability are great. This is one problem where time is of the essence. When crows are on the scene, it is not a question of if they will cost you but when they will cost you. You cannot afford to wait. We are ready to help.

We think about what you need when developing a custom plan for your crow problem. We take several factors into consideration, inlcuding:

  • How long has the crow problem been going on for?

  • How severe is the crow problem?

  • Available food and water sources nearby?

  • How much will it cost to resolve the bird problem?

  • What type of damage are the birds causing?

  • Are there any liability issues due to the bird infestation? 


About Crows

Despite the common belief that parrots are leaps ahead of any other birds in regards to intelligence, the corvid family is equally intelligent and has been the subject of many intelligence studies as well. Crows show many complex forms of behavior, including social learning and self-recognition. Crows have been observed to engage in causal reasoning (i.e., A causes B). They can also use tools, such as sticks, to extract food from crevices. The New Caledonian crow is the only non-primate species known to create its own tools.


They also have a keen memory for human faces and vocal patterns. They remember kind or unfriendly humans and warn other crows






Common Names: 




Corvus brachyrhynchos

Crow, American Crow

about which is which. In areas where they are fed by people, they also bring gifts like rocks and bones back to the people that feed them.

While these intelligent birds should be appreciated in their natural environment, oftentimes they explore beyond where they should and begin to cause problems for homeowners, farmers, and business owners alike. Many times it takes a wide variety of methods and plans to remove crows from unwanted areas, where they can damage crops, spread disease, and cause scores of problems to humans. They are a serious problem for airport areas and other businesses. They congregate in numbers from hundreds to thousands, dropping waste on everything in their path. 

Evolutionary Traits



Crows include several species within the genus Corvus. The Corvus genus also includes ravens. Crows are found on all continents except for South America and Antarctica. There are around 45 species of crow and raven within the genus Corvus. They are considered among the most intelligent species, with intelligence approaching the non-human great apes.

Crows are primarily black with varying degrees of white or gray on the tail or wings. Species in the Corvus genus are typically from 17 to 30 inches long, and their average weight ranges from 1 to 3.5 pounds. Females tend to have a slightly smaller build than males.

Crows have blue eyes, which help them see well in the ultraviolet range of light. This helps them locate food on brightly lit streets and other habitats where other birds would be blinded.

They have strong beaks, which they use to break open hard objects, such as nuts or eggs. They also use their beaks to defend themselves and groom their feathers. Crows communicate with each other through vocalizations and body language.



Crows are omnivorous and eat various foods, from fruits to insects, worms, eggs, and even small reptiles. Crows have also been observed dropping nuts onto roadways so that the passing cars crack the shells, allowing them to access the nut fragments more easily. This is an example of the crow's intelligence and tool-use ability.

The idea for scarecrows originated in farmers trying to scare crows away from their crops, which the crows would eat.

Crows will also eat carrion. They are known to work and even play with wolves, notifying them of dead or dying animals they can eat. The crows need the wolves to open up the carcasses with their teeth; so they can also eat the animal.



Crows are typically social creatures and live together in flocks with a very active social order. They generally flock together in small groups of around ten during the spring and summer. When winter comes around, crows form bigger groups, numbering from the hundreds to the thousands.

Crows are monogamous and typically mate for life. They build nests to raise their young in, usually high in a tree. Both the male and female help incubate the eggs and care for the young.

Crow lifespan varies based on the species. Some crow species live for 4-8 years, while others live for 15-20 years. The longest-living crow ever observed lived for almost 60 years.

Evolutionary Traits

Life Cycle



Crows can reproduce at around 9 or 10 months of age, although males will sometimes wait a few years before finding a mate, and in that time assists in raising other new broods. The female will lay 3-8 eggs during the mating season, usually in late March or early April. Incubation typically lasts around 18 days before hatching, and the young stay in the nest for 25-40 days before fledging.

Nesting Behavior


Crow nesting begins in March and continues until June. It takes 1-2 weeks to complete nest construction, after which the female will lay her eggs. The male and female both help to incubate the eggs. The young will stay in the nest for 40 days after hatching. 

Crows are known to return to the original nesting site each year, but will always rebuild the nest before each attempt at laying eggs. While typically known for how loud they are, if you have a crows nest nearby you often wont notice as they remain relatively quiet when near the nest, to protect it from predators. 

Nesting Material


Crows will use sticks, mud, and other materials to build their nests. They are known to break the twigs off of the trees they are nesting in and use them for their nests. Then they will use softer materials like animal

Egg Description

ruler in centimeters
Crow Egg
Crow Egg Gradient





Brood Size: 



3.5 - 4.7 centimeters

Speckled tan - brown

16 - 18 days

3 - 9 eggs

Once per year

hair to line the inside. Crows typically place nests high up in trees, but they have also been found on the sides of cliffs and buildings. Their nests are typically larger than most bird nests, at around 7-19 inches long, and can be 15 inches deep. 


Maturity & Lifespan


Crow lifespan depends on the species. Some species live for 4-8 years, while others live for 15-20 years. One crow was known to have lived for 60 years. The American Crow lives for around 7-8 years in the wild. Once crows are old enough to find a mate, they will seek out a female by performing a mating dance, and once the female has accepted, they will preen each other's feathers. Crows mate for life, and if a crow is unsuccessful at finding a mate, will return to its original family and assist in raising their young. 

Life Cycle

Crow Distribution in North America


Crows may be found in various habitats; however, many crows have adapted to living in urban areas. These include cities and towns in Australia, Europe, Asia, and North America.

The primary crow species that inhabit North America is the American Crow, but a few other species inhabit the continent, such as the Fish Crow in the southern states, the Northwest Crow, which lives on the west side of the Rockies, and the Tamaulipas Crow, that can be found in parts of Texas and Mexico. 

Tamaulipas Crow

Fish Crow

American Crow

Northwest Crow

Crow Distribution Map

Why Are Crows a Problem?

Bird Damage 


As every farmer knows, crows love corn. Corn is their main source of food. That is why you will often see scarecrows in corn fields. This may work at first, but soon the crow will learn he has nothing to fear from the strange being in the field and will return to the field to eat. Crows are not picky eaters and will gladly destroy many types of crops quickly if gone unchecked. In fact, a crow will eat almost anything. They are part of a select group of birds that are able to hunt, pirate and scavenge for food. Crows do help the farmers by eating June Bugs, mice and even snakes; but the benefit is usually suppressed by the damage the birds actually cause on their own.

Another major concern regarding crows is they will consume the eggs and even hatchlings of waterfowl and pheasants during nesting times. They will often scavenge farms and steal food from pigs. The droppings of crows have been linked to spread of swine diseases. Even their nesting areas cause health concerns for humans. Often the huge numbers of crows nesting in a house, farm, or barn will allow fungus to grow in the nest. This is yet another opportunity to spread illness.

Range of Effect


Crows will often roost in packs of thousands. This is to protect them from any predators that may be around. They will roost near a major food source. They normally will travel within 12 miles or so of their food. However, they will sometimes travel up to a hundred miles to feed and then will return to the roosting site in the evening. This cuts a wide path of destruction. Crows are territorial. They will come to the assistance of crows from another pack if they are in danger or are being threatened.

It is wise to know the law when attempting to deal with crow problems. Crows are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. This is a federal act resulting in a treaty signed by the United States, Mexico, and Canada. Never the less, there are built in protections that will allow you to handle the crow situation. A bird control professional will know all the laws and regulations to allow ratification of the crow bird problem in a safe and human manner.

Common Crow Problems
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